Sunday, January 20, 2008

Hurry and take the picture Mom - we're freezing!

It's amazing how quickly kids can go from "Wow, it's snowing" to "I'm freezing, can we go inside yet?" It was beautiful none the less and a great reminder to witness what a creative God we have!
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A rare sight in Millbrook!

The kids were so excited to see snow - they were so afraid that since we've moved further south they would certainly miss out on any snow that Alabama might ever get! They were wrong! It snowed for several hours, providing just enough for a small snowman and a great snowball fight. Then it was time to come in and warm up in front of the fireplace!
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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Don't we all want to be a superhero?

Nathaniel is always cracking me up - he has become Nate the Great in his search for superhero status and his attempt to take over the world (insert sinister laugh here!) This has reminded me that often we put on a mask and attempt to hide all of our "stuff" and pretend that we have it all together like most superheroes. I am so glad that even though the Lord sees through all of our facades, He loves us just the same! I must admit though, it would be fun to put on a cape and pretend to be a "super" . . .just for the day!
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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Boys will be boys

This started out as playing on the bales of hay as Mom "ooed" and "aahed" as she took pictures, but once they started jumping from bale to bale and ended up taking their shirts off since they were hot, hay was in every conceivable place. (They had a blast though.) I guess I can learn a lot from my kids - they weren't concerned about being clean or staying neat . . .just playing out on the farm with their cousins on a warm afternoon!
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New Year's Eve Day

Even kids playing on bales of hay is a photo opportunity for Mom - hmmm, how can I scrapbook this page?
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